About a year ago I came across a list of virtues and wrote them down in my journal. The idea I had was that I could always refer back to them just to make sure they are still a part of who I am and to backtrack if I have moved too far away from any of them.
This list can grow but should never shrink.
• Justice. The act of respecting every individual’s rights.
• Fortitude. The ability to do the right thing when faced with difficulty.
• Self-control. The ability to manage one’s temper, passions and urges.
• Positive attitude. A mix of hope, optimism, and enthusiasm.
• Love. Described as the willingness to make sacrifices for the good of others.
• Gratitude. Being thankful for the things we have in life.
• Perseverance. The determination to work hard toward our goals.
• Integrity. The act of standing up for our beliefs.
• Humility. The ability to recognise our own shortcomings and put our strengths to good use without showing off.
Have I missed any other virtues off my list? Please let me know.